haii im vio!! i am the owner and creator of crunch crd co! this is my resource carrd home to everything i personally use for my carrds + anything i think would be useful!psa: click on yeonjun to learn even more about me!links: main twt 4 crd twt 4 rkive 4 comms crd 4 pinterest 4 youtube 4 retrospring 4 referral codeall rights reserved © dollbahi
Update Log05/06/22 crunch crd co was created!06/24/22 changed the layout to what is now seulgi crd co07/28/22 added fonts and a new music player!09/27/22 changed the layout again...02/01/23 changed the layout AGAIN... but also removed some broken links added fonts, new codes blah blah blah03/14/23 deleted some old links that didnt work and added css framework sites in the codes section + added a new resource carrd link!04/19/23 added some new codes under the misc section, added new resource crds, new fonts, and added a "new" tab marker so u can tell what was newly added :)05/19/23 woah freakkyy exactly a month later.... anyways i fixed a bug in the code that displayed the fonts all weird so yay03/31/24 finally updated the layout to this crd! i also added a media page and will eventually add a tutorial page! + i fixed some links that no longer work :)05/27/24 added a kofi button if anyone wants to support me through there!05/28/24 added a VERY good pixel resource in the decorative section like omggg its my new fav07/10/24 added colorhexa! a very cool color hex tool check it out if you need help with a color scheme :308/19/24 added some more fonts and edited the media page a little :3
5 cr dollbahi 5
Text Codes
text with border 1 4 text with border 2 4 gradient text 4 floating text 4 marquee text 4 bubble text 4 pop text 4 curved text 4 rubberband text 4 bouncy 1 4 bouncy 2 4 website button with blinking cursor 4 animated link underlines on hover 4 triple outline 4 New!
curved text demo
Scroll Codes
simple border 4 double border 4 no border 4 expand on hover 4 title text disappears when scrollbox expands 4 dashed border 4 colored bg 4 gradient bg 4 uneven border 4 scrollbox with mark 4 two fonts in a scrollbox 4 brown lace border 4 box shake blur and scroll to reveal scrollbox
Music Codes
image music player 4 gradient circle music player 4 draggable music player 4 circle pop music player 4 marquee music player w pixel 4 circle spin music player 4 spinning cd music player 4 pixel to music player on hover 4 cutie circular music player 4 speaker music player 4 pixel soundwave music player 4 marquee music player 4 square pixel music player idk 4 simple music player 4 music player in a container 4 headphone gradient circle music player 4 2000's music player 4 New!
SCM music player
Image Codes
hot pink lace 4 basic lace border 4 hearts mask 4 hello kitty mask 4 bouncing flip heart slideshow 4 spin img 4 floating img 4 pop img 4 wobbling img
Misc Codes
hello kitty website counter 4 hidden scrollbar 4 old web scrollbar 4 7css scrollbar 4 simple drop down menu 4 cbox 4 counter 1 4 counter 2 4 cute cursors 4 typing tab title 4 go girl games typing button 4 marquee tab title 4 message alert when page opens 4 disable left click + alert 4 click sound effect 4 tabs thingy 4 rising cbox on hover 4 falling imgs 4 bubble cursor 4 clicksplosion 1 4 clicksposion 2 4 alternative cbox 4 update log 4 password protection on standard 4 custom highlight 4 disable all shortcut keys 4 New!
media rule 4 New!
tv effect 4 New!
skill bar
CSS Frameworks
My Fav Fonts
windows 95 ☆ aespa ☆ chemre ☆ romantic ☆ yipes
More Fonts
stabillo ☆ cheria ☆ angelface ☆ nintendo ☆ Candice
chilly ☆ nikyukyu ☆ heart ☆ candy
cutie ☆ grandelo ☆ stitch ☆ fontanio ☆ Frighted
porkys ☆ cheri ☆ stitch ☆ trog. pop ☆ gummy
dinomiko ☆ beatles ☆ blowzy ☆ mount hills ☆ willond
rosalie ☆ candyful ☆ paradise ☆ candie ☆ marola
alstoria ☆ magazine ☆ rain kiss ☆ girls ☆ sant joan
winkle ☆ WonderMagic ☆ loving ☆ quakeri ☆ melody
jojoba ☆ money ☆
kitten ☆ good-time ☆ mermaid
☆ TUMB ☆
sakemoru ☆ Hantam ☆ sweet ☆ Neurock ☆ hello kitty
sweetfarm ☆ cupcake ☆ quick love ☆ starborn ☆ powerpuff
fenotype ☆ 12345 ☆ emoji ☆ hello ☆ iconbit
coming soon...
Resource Carrds
pochi 4 jellymask 4 lifted 4 riti 4 ishimori 4 scripted 4 knowledge 4 swan 4 hauntedmansions 4 loveberry 4 bubblepop 4 dotae 4 New!
lovespace 4 New!
mist 4 New!
engram pixel 4 text art 4 oh pixels! 4 bonnibels's graphics 4 tomomi neocities 4 barok 4 New!
phonecharm New!
smol pxl
css gradient 4 removebg 4 punycoder 4 animista.net 4 opacity css 4 box shadow generator 4 css generator tool 4 premade css animations 4 image color picker 4 ez gif converter 4 yt to mp3 converter 4 responsinator 4 New!
powys 4 miyounhive 4 ruesha 4 dracslaura 4 dianakko 4 nomskoo 4 New!
greenmelon 4 New!
kokopelli 4 w3schools 4 javascript 4 mf2fm 4 30 seconds of code 4 htmlbasics
haiii im vio! or vee :3
20 it/bun/they prns <33
pan mexican enby
aquarius (0218) eng/spa OK!likes bx <333 sanrio, kirby!!!, deco, yeonjuns aotm, soobin noises, the color pink, my cats :P, coding, music, old web design, and plushies!more pls credit dollbahi if you rm pls! all carrds you see credited to nomskoo / doiibahi / crrdcore are mine!